english documentation to program
written by
Zbigniew `Zeeball` Trzcionkowski
Read all, please!
TurboVal is FREEWARE program
(c)1999-2002 by Zbigniew `Zeeball` Trzcionkowski
TurboVal is small util to speedup validating of Your FFS devices after
reboot or crash. It stops the noise while running.
If checksum error will appear then filerequester (ASL) will be
opened to choose Your salvage program i.e. AmibackTools, DiskSalv etc.
Of course It will be runned :-)
Of course this will work only if bug-requester will be detected.
VAL is a blanker for Your soul - partly stops Your agression after crash
or unwanted reboot. Saves Your time and helps You to feel better...
It is the best (only he,he) such tool for Amiga!
Here are tests:
Test config: 3 FFS nonvalidated partitions, AtBus, 030, Fast, OS3.1
boot without startup sequence (zero action) - 10 minutes 12 secs
as above + TurboVal 1.5 runned - 1 minute 0 secs
VAL should be placed as one of the first instructions of Your
Installation script is able to add this line or update parameters.
To enjoy long validating I`ve decided to put small game.
All You need to know is that You need LMB to skip enemies.
You can run Your own code by writing Your AmigaDos script called S:turboval.script.
On VGA monitor/gfx board You will be able to see WorkbenchScreen if You
install reset resident patch (BootControl tested),
or put Val line in place when WorkBench is opened.
Else only flashing of power led will be visible if not switched off.
Please, please! Don`t crash the system to play bonus game!
You need AmigaOS 2.0 or newer
To choose in emergency Your salvage program you need asl.library v38+
Note that WorkBench screen just after reboot is PAL!
You need another patch to fix it for VGA/gfx board!
Other problems should be sent to:
It makes that only one nonvalidated device is validating in
the same time, so the noise is stopped.
It is done by freezing other volume tasks (i.e. `dh1`, `pc2`).
This gives large speedup.
TurboVal offers from CLI/Shell template:
- shows You version string of TurboVal
- switches off signalling user about validating with flashing of COLOR00 and power LED
- performs ColdReboot with clearing of resetvectors, and TC register of MMU (030). Any reset resident code will be lost.
- don`t run built in game
- replacement of non standard command Qauntum with parameter 1
If You want to skip validity test then hold "space" key while booting.
Zbigniew Trzcionkowski
Astrow 7
43 250 Pawlowice
Send me bug reports and new ideas.
100% responce to all disksenders
e-mail: [zeeball@interia.pl]
You can get newest versions from util/boot directory of Aminet!
Special thanks to:
- Tomasz `Error` Wiszkowski - for idea and testing!
- Tinic Urou - for that he coded so good startup-sequence modifier!
- Axel Greve - for support